How to consume arrowroot starch "Pondok Alam"
31 Maret 2018Enjoy your Healthy lifestyle Pondok Alam Lovers..
This time we reveal other natural healthy products owned by Pondok Alam, the starch of arrowroot flour . Apparently there are still many people who can not distinguish between arrowroot flour with starch of arrowroot flour. Well this time we review a little information about starch of arrowroot.
Starch of arrowroot is a flour made from the essence or starch that comes from arrowroot bulbs, not the name of the city in Indonesia which name is Garut city. So to get the results of the essence or starch, the arrowroot in the grater gently then squeezed to produce water. Then the juice is silenced for approximately 8-12 hours or overnight. The next day there will be sediment from the arrowroot bulbs. then the sediment is taken in such a way that it can be taken all the sediment, after that the sediment is dried under the sun for a whole day if the weather or the sun is hot. But if the condition is overcast, then the drying process can not be optimum, should be done days later. Actually this drying can be done with the oven, the temperature can be arranged and maintained, so the quality can be better. But due to limitations, we only use sunlight only. The process of making arrowroot starch and the difference with arrowroot flour, we will review more fully on the news or news with a more interesting title again.
As the technology continues to grow often we forget the nature, the pain of being accustomed to drugs that can quickly recover so doubt the potential of nature that healing process needs. We at Pondok Alam only provide products from natural products that are still pure, organic without artificial chemicals.
One of them restores or normalizes all digestive problems such as gastritis, stomach acid, stomachache, GERD, etc. For digestive problems we can consume starch of arrowroot "Pondok Alam". Many costumers who wonder how to consume it ?? Well this time we inform that arrowroot can be processed into porridge . For the appearance can be seen in the following picture below:
Well to know the recipe how to make porridge of arrowroot starch "Pondok Alam" can by buying the product directly from Pondok Alam, free recipes how to make it ...
For those interested in buying organic arrowroot starch "Pondok Alam" can be obtained at the following link below:
telp / WA / SMS: 082225577770/08172853440
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