Karangsembung Village , Village Formed from The Bottom of Ocean
11 Mei 2019Indonesia is an archipelago that has the natural resources abundant of sabang to merauke.In the form of mine, mineral wealth , gold natural gas, , tropical forests and others.
The one of indonesian wealth hidden is riches geopark in kebumen city, precisely in the village which called karangsembung.The contours of the land karangsembung village formed started from the ocean bottom diverted. The result many are found fossil rocks and fossils of the seabed that tells the early establishment of the contours of the land and stones in the village. Locations around the kebumen heritage are now as the geology and made a comprehensive geological learned by the indonesian government and on the run by the indonesian institute of sciences LIPI (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia).
For those who love traveling maybe karangsembung village is a good alternative to explore more. Please direct open the video that we attached under
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